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February 10, 2011
Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds
Minutes of the February 10, 2011 Meeting

Present:  Robert Lutts, Raymond Vaillancourt, Thaddeus Buckzo and William Goreham

The meeting was called to order by Robert Lutts at 5:30 P.M.

A motion was made by Raymond Vaillancourt to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2011 meeting.  The motion was seconded by William Goreham
and voted unanimously.  

A request was received from the Bookholz Committee to disperse $500
to the Beverly Hospital for medical expenses for Eric Reardon.  This is a fund the Board holds on behalf of the Bookholz Committee, no vote is required.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55P.M.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2011.

Respectfully submitted:

F. Kay Fouhey, Clerk